We are proud to endorse the following candidates as we support candidates that make our students, teachers and parents a priority. When you support teachers-students thrive! Endorsed candidates completed a questionnaire and our group had input on the endorsements. Some candidates are recommended over their opponents, but we did not receive a survey from them. See our social media for more details.
DISTRICT 3 (MULTI-COUNTY: Northern Davis/Southern Weber):
DISTRICT 6 (MULTI-COUNTY: Parts of Salt Lake and Summit County): Carol Lear
DISTRICT 7 (Parts of Salt Lake County): John Arthur AND Molly Hart
DISTRICT 9 (Parts of Salt Lake County): Amanda Bollinger
DISTRICT 10 (MULTI_COUNTY: Parts of Salt Lake, Utah and Tooele County): Deborah Gatrell
DISTRICT 13 (Parts of Utah County): Randy Booth
DISTRICT 15 (Washington, Garfield, Kane, Piute, San Juan, Washington, and Wayne Counties and a portion of Iron County):
Box Elder and Cache Counties
Utah House District 1:
Rich, Morgan and Summit Counties
Utah House District 4: Kris Campbell
Box Elder and Weber County
Utah House District 6:
Morgan and Weber County
Utah House District 8:
Davis, Morgan and Weber County
Utah House District 11:
Davis and Weber County
Utah House District 12:
Salt Lake and Summit County
Utah House District 23: Hoang Nguyen
Juab, Millard and Tooele Counties
Utah House District 29: Diedra Ritchhart
Daggett, Duchesne, Morgan, Rich, Summit Counties
Utah House District 53: Alex Day
Summit and Wasatch County
Utah House District 59:
Juab, Sanpete and Utah Counties
Utah House District 66:
Carbon, Duchesne and Emery Counties
Utah House District 67:
Daggett, Uintah, Duchesne and Summit Counties
Utah House District 68:
Emery, Garfield, Grand, Kane, San Juan and Wayne Counties
Utah House District 69: Davina Smith
Beaver, Iron, Piute and Sevier Counties
Utah House District 70:
Cache and Rich Counties
Utah Senate District 2:
Morgan, Summit and Weber Counties
Utah Senate District 3: Stacy Bernal
Davis and Weber Counties
Utah Senate District 4:
Davis and Salt Lake Counties
Utah Senate District 8: Alisa Van Langeveld
Utah and Wasatch Counties
Utah Senate District 22:
Utah and Wasatch Counties
Utah Senate District 24: Lori Spruance
Carbon, Emery, Grand, San Juan, Wasatch, parts of Garfield, Kane, Utah and Wayne
Utah Senate District 26:
Sanpete, Sevier, portions of Garfield, Juab, Kane, Millard, Piute, Utah, Washington and Wayne
Utah Senate District 27:
Utah House District 2: Mike Monson
Utah House District 3: Patrick Belmont
Utah House District 5:
Utah Senate District 4:
Utah Senate District 8: Alisa Van Langeveld
Utah House District 12:
Utah House District 13: Karen Peterson
Utah House District 14:
Utah House District 15:
Utah House District 16:
Utah House District 17:
Utah House District 18:
Utah House District 19: Ray Ward
Utah House District 20:
Utah State Senate District 7 (some of Morgan County):
Davis School Board District 1: Alisa Allred Mercer
Davis School Board District 2: Joani Stevens
Davis School Board District 4: Brigit Gerrard
Davis School Board District 5:
Utah State House District 71: Steve Merrill
U.S. Congressional District 2: Celeste Maloy
Utah State Senate District 10: Luz Escamilla
Utah State Senate District 12: Karen Kwan
Utah State Senate District 15: Kathleen Riebe
Utah State Senate District 16:
Utah State Senate District 17: Pamela Bloom
Utah State House District 21: Sandra Hollins
Utah State House District 22: Hoang Nguyen
Utah State House District 24:
Utah State House District 25: Angela Romero
Utah State House District 26:
Utah State House District 27: Dawn Stevenson/Anthony Loubet
Utah State House District 30:
Utah State House District 31: Verona Mauga
Utah State House District 32:
Utah State House District 33: Doug Owens
Utah State House District 34: Carol Spackman Moss
Utah State House District 35: Rosalba Dominguez/Mike Bird
Utah State House District 36:
Utah State House District 37: Ashlee Matthews
Utah State House District 38:
Utah State House District 39: Jessica Wignall
Utah State House District 40:
Utah State House District 41:
Utah State House District 42: Chad Westover
Utah State House District 43: Steve Eliason
Utah State House District 44: Greg Green
Utah State House District 45: Sara Cimmers/Tracy Miller
Utah State House District 46:
Utah State House District 47:
Utah State House District 48: Stephen Middleton
Utah State House District 49: Sgt. Sam Winkler
Canyons School Board District 1: Jackson Lewis
Canyons School Board District 3: Barbara Gentry/Katie Dahle
Granite School District 2: Kevin Korous
Granite School District 4: Nicole McDermott
Jordan School District 4: Erin Barrow
Jordan School Board District 5: Mitchell Atencio
Murray School District 1: Kelly Taeoalii
Salt Lake School Board Precinct 1: Bryce Williams
Salt Lake School Board Precinct 2: Charlotte Fife-Jepperson
Salt Lake School Board Precinct 5: Russell Askren
Salt Lake School Board Precinct 7: Richard Whitney
Park City School Board District 4
Utah State House District 28: Fred Baker
Utah Senate District 25: Mike McKell
Utah State House District 50:
Utah State House District 51:
Utah State House District 52:
Utah State House District 53: Alex Day
Utah State House District 54:
Utah State House District 55:
Utah State House District 56:
Utah State House District 57: Alan Keele
Utah State House District 58: David Shallenberger
Utah State House District 60:
Utah State House District 61:
Utah State House District 62:
Utah State House District 63:
Utah State House District 64:
Utah State House District 65:
Alpine School District 5:
Nebo School Board District 7
Provo School Board District 5: Teri McCabe
Utah Senate District 29: Diedra Ritchhart
Utah State House District 72:
Utah State House District 73:
Utah State House District 74:
Utah State House District 75:
Washington School Board Precinct 1: Heidi Gunn
Utah State House District 7:
Utah State House District 9: Angela Choberka
Utah State House District 10 Rosemary Lesser, MD